Preferred vendor for federal, state and local government agencies, schools and public utilities.

SUNSET SURVIVAL & FIRST AID, INC. is a Certified provider of an expanded selection of emergency kits, classroom safety kits, earthquake survival supplies, SAR, CERT, and other disaster preparedness equipment -- including school lockdown buckets, earthquake kits, survival food and water, first responder gear, first aid kits, and many other safety products.
The company is a Certified Woman-Owned Small Business Enterprise holding the following diversity classifications: DBE, WBE, SBE, SDB, EDWOSB, HUB, VSBE, EBE, LBE, SB, MB, SWAM, SBR.
Sunset Survival & First Aid, Inc. is a preferred vendor for federal, state and local government agencies, schools and public utilities throughout the United States - and beyond!
Customers also include emergency management agencies, businesses, non-profits, C.E.R.T. teams, community groups, and private consumers.
Sunset Survival is an experienced provider of trauma supplies and first aid kits for first responders, police and fire departments, and search and rescue squads. The company also carries ICS command post equipment, triage tarps, emergency shelter supplies, survival kits, office and vehicle safety kits. Visit Sunset Survival's website often for the latest emergency kits, safety products and special offers!
In addition to emergency kits and survival backpacks (see SunsetSurvival.com), Sunset Survival & First Aid is happy to work with you to create a customized kit designed to meet your unique requirements. Kits may include an imprint of your logo or mascot, and the name of your organization - as well as your choice of survival supplies.
Sunset Survival was first incorporated in 2006 in Huntington Beach, CA, under its former name, Huntington Beach Sunset, Inc.
Orders may be placed online, or by phone, fax, US mail, or public purchase order. Sunset Survival accepts all major credit cards, PayPal, Cal-Card, and most other Government Purchasing "P" Cards.
Please contact us if you are a public agency or school and would like to use a purchase order.